Jul 9, 2017


“Don't tell me something happened to her,not unless you want the world to burn.” 
― NazTarget on Our Backs

Hey petals ! Guess who is back from her deep demon sleep? yeah me . Long time have passed since I actually write something here. Well, hey again. I'm currently in my first year for degree in UTP. whew, time sure flies so fast these days. Nothing much to say honestly. My friends and I decided to go back to blogging like the old times. Seems fun and here am I trying it. Not bad. Doctor Who just went hiatus again until this December and I will have the 13th doctor. I'm quite excited but I just can't accept the fact that Peter Capaldi will leave me. And nope, I'm not going to cry yet. And oh, Vampire Knight currently have a new volume called memories. It is about everything that happen after Kaname put his heart in the furnace. Honestly, I can't move on yet but I'm trying my best to do so. Zero is so cute taking care of Ai. So sad that he can't meet his own son. By the way, I just finished my app class today for my upcoming Organic Chemistry project. Not sure If I totally understand it or can do it on my own but I think I nailed it alright. I just keep hoping that I can survive this sem without crying much like last time. Please help me. I think that's all I got. I need to sleep and wake up early tomorrow for the field trip. See you again, fairies. Bye.